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Munition in the Seas – Current Knowledge and Perspectives

Munitions in the seas and oceans threaten the marine environment and risk their sustainable use and management. For several years, research has been conducted to evaluate the scale of the impacts and to develop solutions for their future remediation. In this paper, the current scientific knowledge is summarised along with perspectives on how to deal with marine munition.

As of: October 2024

1. Historic background and munition distribution

After World War I and II, large amounts of munition were dumped in German territorial waters and the German exclusive economic zone (EEZ). By far the largest amount of munition after WW II was sunk in dedicated dumping areas. Experts assume that a total of 1.6 million tonnes of conventional munition were dumped. This number is uncertain but appears realistic considering the German munition stock at the end of WW II. Furthermore, an expected 5,090 tonnes of chemical munition and warfare agents were dumped in the German waters of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. In addition to defined dumping areas, conventional munition entered the seas during combat, military manoeuvres, and accidents at sea, although exact numbers and locations are difficult to assess. Munitions can also be found in the waters of our European neighbours. The waters of the United Kingdom are particularly heavily contaminated.

Challenges and Solutions

The military archive in Freiburg contains several kilometres of potentially relevant historical documents. Additional information lies in archives of the Allies, especially in the United Kingdom. The largest portion if these documents is not digitised. It is thus recommended to systematically digitalise the relevant documents for any large-scale munitions clean-up and to conduct further historical research.

2. Threat to Humans

Similar to munition on land, marine explosive ordnance poses a threat to people who come into contact with it. Although an accidental detonation, e.g. during anchoring, is rather unlikely, the possibility exists as a latent threat. People and commercial entities who actively interact with the seafloor are certainly subject to higher risk of accidentally interacting with munition. This includes, among others, fisherpersons and people in the dredging industry. In addition, tourists can find parts of munition objects, explosives or white phosphorous on beaches. By profession, employees in public and private explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) squads face the highest risk. Finally, since the largest amount of dumped munition lies close to the coast in rather shallow waters, it could come into the possession of unauthorised people.

Challenges and Solutions

Research suggests that the impact sensitivity of explosives increases after contact with sea water for an extended period of time. Hence, munition could detonate more easily due to mechanical impact during accidental encounters or clearance operations. More data on the issue of munition in the seas should be collected in the future.

3. Environmental Impacts

Many explosive compounds are toxic, carcinogenic, and mutagenic (e.g. TNT and its metabolites). Munition objects on the seafloor have been corroding for at least 77 years, and some dumpsites have large amounts of open explosive material present. Here, dissolved munition compounds can be detected in the water, sediment, and biota. Dissolved TNT concentrations close to exposed explosive surfaces can be 10 to 100 times higher than in comparable areas without munition contamination.

Furthermore, higher concentrations of TNT and TNT metabolites have been found in mussels and fish from dumping sites compared to individuals from locations without munitions. Depending on the site and region, concentrations in flatfish (e.g., dab) vary. In the Kolberger Heide dumping area, they are approximately 100 times higher than in the Lübeck Bay and Outer Jade areas. It is particularly noteworthy that TNT and its metabolites have also been detected in the edible portions of flatfish from munitions disposal areas. These explosive substances have also been found in fish caught near munitions-contaminated shipwrecks in the North Sea. Analyses of mussel samples from environmental sample banks show a slight increase in explosives over the past decade. Studies of benthic biodiversity have revealed that some species are more prevalent in waters with elevated TNT concentrations.

Challenges and Solutions

Currently, it is not sufficiently known whether munition compounds are transported through marine food webs, magnify in higher trophic levels, and end up on the plate of seafood consumers. The concentrations measured so far in wild mussels and fish are not yet of concern for humans. Studies in ducks and marine mammals have also shown no evidence of accumulation. The CONMAR 2 project, which is part of the DAM Research Mission “Protection and Sustainable Use of Marine Areas”, seeks to answer this question. A dedicated and regular monitoring programme is urgently required to evaluate any future increase in human seafood consumer exposure to munition-related chemicals.

4. Maritime Economic Impacts

In Germany, there are hardly any economic activities in known munition dumping areas. The munition dump sites are relatively small so that economic development in these areas is currently not necessary. Yet, whenever offshore activities interact with the seafloor, e.g. for technical installations (see section 1), detailed munition mapping is required and is potentially followed by a munition clearance operation. This issue is highly relevant for offshore renewable energy development. The planned widening of the fairway northeast of the island of Wangerooge is also noteworthy, as it will partly require the clearance of a munition dumping area. The cumulative cost of past clearance operations is unknown, but created technical innovations which precede development of technical methods to make the clearing of munition dump sites feasible.

Challenges and Solutions

The projected growth of the offshore energy sector in Germany and internationally will likely strain available technical and personnel capacities for munition removal and disposal. This would slow down the planned energy transformation. Thus, a new education and training scheme for EOD experts (possibly in collaboration with German armed forces) needs to be established soon.

5. Munition Detection Surveys

Several simultaneously usable methods exist to survey the seafloor for munition objects (magnetometers, seafloor mapping sonars, sub-bottom profilers). These surveys are typically undertaken by dedicated offshore mapping companies. During past and ongoing research projects, a number of dump sites in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea have been investigated. For some dump sites in the German Baltic Sea, a particularly comprehensive situational picture has been developed. These systematic investigations covered an area that – according to historic records – is presumed to contain approximately 100,000 tonnes of conventional munition.

Challenges and Solutions

Further advancements in sensor technology would be useful. However, more urgent development opportunities focus on autonomous data acquisition with autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) rather than ships, as well as artificial intelligence (AI)-supported data analyses and interpretation. The demand for immediate action is lower than for the other given challenges.

The identification of objects and the discrimination between, for example, anchors, civil scrap metal, fishing gear, rocks, and actual munition objects remains a challenge, even with the use of AI. The reduction of false targets and the more efficient identification of real munition objects would significantly decrease removal costs.

To increase our knowledge about the real munition contamination in dumping areas, it should be considered to also make use of government ships designed for hydrographic surveys, whenever capacities are available. Comprehensive mapping of dumping areas is important for a well-informed prioritisation of areas that should be cleared first (see section 6).

6. Munition Clearance Technologies

Only specialised organisations and companies have the capability to remove munition from the complex and dynamic marine environment. In German coastal waters, federal EOD squads are responsible. In addition, some private companies exist in Germany – a rather unique industry in global context (see section 10 – Economic potential), as the military is solely responsible for munition clearance in most other countries. The strength of the private economy drives innovation in this sector. In Germany, most detected munition objects are removed and destroyed. Only a small number of items unsafe to handle are detonated on site. This type of in-situ detonation is much more common in other countries. Intentional detonations in the environment should be avoided, as detonations have negative effects on marine animals. In particular, marine mammals such as the protected harbour porpoise are impacted directly through the strong pressure wave. Additionally, toxic explosive remains can be distributed into the environment. Underwater munition clearance can be performed by using different types of technologies and methods such as divers, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), or multi-tools attached to excavators or crawlers.

The ongoing immediate action programme “Munitions in the North Sea and Baltic Sea” aims, among other things, to explore the feasibility of clearing large quantities of munitions (primarily unfused) from dumping sites. Insights gained from pilot clearance operations are intended to lay the foundation for subsequent continuous clearance measures.

As part of the CONMAR project, a priority list of known munitions deposits is being developed in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. These sites should be addressed first once the immediate action programme is completed. To ensure a robust prioritisation process, data from the CONMAR consortium will be combined with information from a wide range of federal and state authorities using a federated management approach.

Challenges and Solutions

It is critically important that follow-up funding for the immediate action programme is secured. To clear munition dumping areas, the clearance efficiency must be improved while keeping the risk for humans at a minimum. Thus, the focus should be on remotely operated or autonomously operating devices, which can stay much longer in the water, move heavier objects, and can work during more difficult weather conditions than divers. In the German Baltic Sea, the removal of dumped munitions can proceed immediately after the conclusion of the immediate action programme (e.g., in Lübeck Bay, where primarily unfused, small-calibre munitions are found in boxes). In parallel, more efficient methods and techniques for munition disposal should be further developed or established to enable faster and, above all, safer processes. It is also important to transfer the experiences gained from the immediate action programme to the North Sea, where munitions clearance is more challenging due to tidal currents, higher waves, and other factors.

Continuous monitoring of different operational steps is important to ensure the safety of involved personal, as well as to avoid environmental contamination by establishing an early warning system with a response action plan. A preliminary clearance-accompanying monitoring is integrated into the immediate action programme.

7. Munition disposal approaches

Munition disposal in Germany is executed at a number of institutions, the most important being the GEKA mbH in Munster, which is located far from the coast. The capacities of all existing disposal sites are currently exceeded, and any large-scale removal of marine munition would require interim storage sites either on land or underwater. To avoid this, plans exist to destroy munition directly at sea. The needed technological sub-systems do exist but they have not yet been integrated into a systemic technology chain. As part of the immediate action programme, the development of such a technology chain will be commissioned. Whether disposal at sea or at a dedicated area directly on the coast (or both approaches at the same time) is safer and easier/quicker to achieve has not yet been investigated in detail. Regardless of the facility's location, efficiency improvements in munition disposal are necessary to ensure that disposal can keep pace with recovery efforts.

Challenges and Solutions

A disposal infrastructure should be established soon and close to one defined munition dumping area. The disposal of marine munition should be undertaken at sea or close to shore using infrastructure that is easy to re-locate. The needed technology already exists in large part and could be used on such platforms. Government-owned GEKA mbH could take on a leading role in the development, construction and operation of such a system, whether on land or at sea.

Discussions and cooperation between German industries in the fields of dredging and crane systems, EOD, and ship-building industries are ongoing to develop concepts for such platforms. These companies consider the construction of such a disposal platform at sea to be feasible. Furthermore, the BorDEx project is currently working on improving and accelerating the disposal of large munitions. The financial risk associated with the development of such a facility should be mitigated. This can be achieved through the ongoing financing of munition recovery from the sea, linked to the immediate action programme.

8. National Dimension – Actors and Responsibilities

The issue of munition in the sea affects a large number of public and private actors. At the federal level, it touches on areas of responsibility of the BMUV, BMWK, BMBF, BMVg, BMDV and BMEL and their respective agencies. With the immediate action programme, the BMUV has effectively assumed responsibility for the issue. At the state level of each of the five coastal federal states, there are the ministries of the environment and of the interior, the latter represented by the state EOD squads. A regular exchange of representatives from the federal government and the states on the issue of marine munitions contamination takes place within the BLANO Expert Group “Munition in the Sea”. In addition, there are dedicated private specialist companies for the individual phases of explosive ordnance clearance – historical investigation, technical investigation, clearance and disposal. Furthermore, numerous relevant actors represent the interests of the environment.

In Germany, a multitude of relevant laws, regulations and legal frameworks exists for management of underwater munition. This is a consequence of the international, national and federal legal division of geographic areas at sea as well as the water-land transition which cannot be easily resolved.

Challenges and Solutions

Research institutes come together in project consortia, and private companies do so within company networks. For many years, cooperation among authorities has taken place in the BLANO Expert Group “Munition in the Sea”. In recent years, a large number of authorities have become more actively involved in the issue of munition in the sea. A guideline, being developed under the leadership of the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and outlining conservation and technical requirements for the clearance/disposal of munition remnants in the North and Baltic Seas, is in progress.

9. International Dimensions

The munition is a global challenge, which opens up a multitude of opportunities to approach the issue. There are many formats for international cooperation on munition in the seas (e.g. in JPI Oceans, HELCOM, BSCP or NATO). Germany’s top-level research and its innovative companies should play a central role here. The international reputation of Germany offers potential sales opportunities for technical developments. The successful clearance of a munition dumping area will be an unprecedented proof of-concept, and will establish a starting point for international cooperation to clear marine munition. Together with the other Baltic Sea EU member states, Germany has committed to a range of measures, including the risk assessment of known areas and, where necessary, their subsequent clearance.

Challenges and Solutions

Activity in international working groups is undertaken by experts as a pro bono activity. The CONMAR consortium has formed as an informal coordination body for German scientific organisations. In Germany, official concerns are often dealt with internationally by representatives of the BLANO Marine Munitions Expert Group. The coordination, including the funding of travel, is provided by the institutions themselves.

Currently, numerous scientifically driven projects with EU funding are being launched. In addition to addressing environmental and technical aspects, they focus particularly on how collaboration at the EU level can be improved and how sensitive data can be made accessible (e.g., the projects MMinE-SwEEPER and MuniRisk).

10. Economic Potential

Germany is one of the few countries where the handling of marine munitions does not fall under the responsibility of the navy. The entire procedure from munition surveys to recovery can – with the support of the EOD services of the federal states – almost entirely be undertaken by the commercial sector. Only the final treatment of munition and its fuses is usually carried out by the governmental partner institutions.

In the past, innovation in this sector was driven to a large extent by the construction of offshore wind turbines. The ambitious expansion targets for offshore wind therefore already offer interesting prospects for companies in this sector. In addition, the immediate action programme and the politically announced entry into large-scale explosive ordnance disposal increase growth opportunities and can thus trigger a noticeable surge in innovation. Furthermore, competition among companies leads to continuous reduction in costs and an increase in efficiency. In recent years, the developments in the areas of sensor technology, data evaluation and robotic systems illustrate the high innovation potential.

This offers local companies the opportunity to develop further high-tech solutions that create jobs and add value in Germany while also serving international markets.

Challenges and Solutions

While incident-related munition clearance (e.g. in the context of offshore development) is initiated by a large number of clients, preventive clearance of highly contaminated areas has not yet started. Since there is no other incentive in the private sector to clear the dumping areas, the public sector must provide the necessary funds for the removal and disposal for many years.

The German commercial EOD industry has the necessary skills and technologies to take on this task. However, reliable financial commitments are needed to guarantee continuous investments in the private sector. In addition, close cooperation between applied research, technological development and the public sector is required. Detailed explanations of the state of the art and concrete recommendations for actions to establish and promote the full value chain potential can be found in a position paper of the Gesellschaft für Maritime Technik e.V.

11. Current Research Projects

In addition to the research projects that were mentioned throughout the text, the following further research and development projects with German participation exist:

12. Contact Persons

Scientific Basis and Project CONMAR

Torsten Frey & Prof. Dr. Jens Greinert

DeepSea Monitoring Group, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre For Ocean Research Kiel


Dr. Matthias Brenner

Section Ecological Chemistry, Alfred-Wegner-Institut


Prof. Dr. Edmund Maser

Institute of Toxicology and Pharmacology for Natural Scientists, University Medical School Schleswig-Holstein


Dr. Anita Künitzer

German Environment Agency

Imprint for the Status Report:

Text: Torsten Frey, Jens Greinert | Editorial: Ute Wilhelmsen | Contributions: Edmund Maser, Jörn Scharsack, Matthias Brenner | Editorial Deadline: 01.10.2024 | Publisher: Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung | Markgrafenstraße 22 | 10117 Berlin | Tel.: +49(0)30 23 59 627- 0 | |

More about "Munitions"

The federal government and the governments of the five northern German states support the current development and sponsor the DAM